Saturday, September 4, 2010


'Member when you were at the end of your pregnancy, and you had dilated to 2 centimeters?  And you were so excited to do this thing, but really not far enough along for anything exciting to happen yet?  Well that's where I am in my lapband progress.  I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I had my 6th visit with my doc (hallelujah!).  Which means I have ticked off the 6 months of waiting time, passed my psych eval (dodged a bullet, rather!), and am now ready to see the surgeon next week to complete the last leg of this adventure (get me on the schedule, dammit!).  It was such a relief to leave my doc's office and NOT schedule ANOTHER monthly visit.   I love Dr Girlchild with her adorable stacked heels and hi-lites and cool outfits...  But it's time to move this thing along.  Only so much thinking and planning a girl can do...

Woohoo!!!  On my way...